Hey, Jamison, Watcha Watching?

I watch a lot of things, especially on YouTube. Very eclectic stuff. Stuff that I doubt a lot of people watch and would enjoy. When I was a teen, I use to force my friends to watch whatever I was into. I don’t know if they enjoyed it, it never occurred to me to ask.

Here is what I’m currently watching —


This guy’s channel. Idk who he is, but he introduces himself as Robert every video, so I guess I have a vague idea. He goes over Game of Thrones, Lord of The Rings, and probably some other fantasy IPs that I’m less familiar with. Its great.

That’s all I got. I feel like I needed more, but ehhh, I just got off work, by work is pretty much fixing blogs, so this just seems like extra work. We will call it here and maybe I will add to it in the future. I truly just wanted the extra menu item from a new page.

F—— I didn’t even link the Youtube Channel…shit. I’ll do it next time, promise.